Friday, January 16, 2009

How to use, add, and remove svn:ignore

This was pulled from

26 May, 2007
Adding and removing subversion directories using svn:ignore

Posted by: imarichardson In: Programming & Development

So I inadvertently added a directory to ignore in subversion only to find out after I deployed (capistrano) that I should not have. So I wrestled around for about 20 minutes when it dawned on me: why not just check the svn help on my box. Nonetheless, here’s what it is:

To add to subversion, use one of the following:

1. imarichardson $ svn propset svn:ignore filename.txt directory/
2. imarichardson $ svn propset svn:ignore "*" directory/

To add in a specific file from a directory, or match a wildcard, respectively. In the second line I’m just using all the contents from the directory.

To remove a directory,

1. imarichardson $ svn propdel svn:ignore directory/

… to delete the svn:ignore reference from the directory.


Wasn’t that useful?

Also useful links (hopefully that don’t disappear).

As a test (of my dedication), PDFs of the pages in question.

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